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Active* Members Directory (Adding & Updating in Progress)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Name (email)StyleDegreeCity,State
Vishnu Ramdhani Jiu Jitsu 5th Queens, NY USA
Todd Ramos TaeKwonDo 3rd Petal, MS USA
Marcus Relliford PaSaRyu TaeKwonDo 7th Memphis, TN USA
Gary Ring PaSaRyu 9th Saffell, AR USA
Jermey Risenburg Fudoshin-Ryu Kempo-Jutsu 6th Durham, NC USA
Ian Roberts American TaeKwonDo 3rd Arlington, TX
Robert Rodriguez TaeKwonDo 1st Salinas, CA USA
Gaven Rupert American ninjutsu 1st Cleveland, OH USA
Mark Ryan Ninjutsu 1st Maplewood, MO
*Registered/Promoted students in WBBB or achieved his/her own promotion in WBBB or joined WBBB during last 12 months
or renewed yearly.   Lifetime members who joined prior to 2013 are not necessarily Active members
To request listing, click  here.    To renew yearly, click here.    For Correction Request, Email to: upd.req@worldBBB.com

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